Tag Archives: Military Uniforms

Dressed to Protect: Veteran’s Day @ BML

As you may have already noticed, BML tends to host family programs on days when there is no school.  When I first stared at BML (oh so many years ago!), there were two holidays that I really wanted to do something more meaningful out of respect for reason behind the holidays.  And because they are important days to recognize why they are holidays.  Veteran’s Day is one of those holidays and the one I struggled with the most trying to come up with an interesting and family-friendly program idea.  Finally, with the help of some friends and family, I landed on military uniforms throughout our nation’s history and that’s how “Dressed to Protect” came about.  Last year was our first year and while not strongly attended, it was one of the most fascinating programs I’ve had the privilege watch. Of course I had to have it again!

“Dressed to Protect: A History of Military Uniforms” will be at 10:30am on Wednesday, November 11 and is intended for ages 6 and up. Alex Johnson of the 140th New York Volunteer Infantry Living History Organization will come in his Civil War uniform and Scott Clark, Captain of the Dog Company, 16th US Infantry, 1st Division Reenactors will be here in full World War II uniform. Both will talk not just about their uniforms but the day-to-day life as a soldier in each of those wars. I hope you’ll join us as it promises to be just as fascinating this year!

See you at the library!
♥ Ms. Elissa

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Filed under BML Children's Center, Programs, Veteran's Day